RIOS TAC2 Tactical Radio Interoperability Gateway
The RIOS TAC2 Tactical Radio Interoperability Gateway enables public safety, federal agencies and military organizations to quickly interconnect HF/VHF/UHF and 700/800 MHz radio resources. The RIOS TAC2 expands upon traditional radio interoperability to include interfaces for RIOS Client Computers, RIOS LiTE for Android and iPhone as well as options for satellite phones, VoIP devices, video inputs, and more.

Internet Protocol Assest
Connected via LAN, Wifi or Cellular Link
Radio Frequency Assest
Connected via RIOS Interface Cable
The rear-interfacing TAC2 I/O Module provides eight high-density interface ports compatible with radios from Motorola, Harris, Codan, Kenwood, iCOM, and many other radio manufacturers. IP devices are connected via the on-board router featuring LAN, Wifi and options for cellular reachback with the user’s USB data device. The images above illustrate tactical radio interoperability assets connected to the rear-interface of RIOS TAC2 as well as IP assets connected via the on-board router using LAN, Wifi or cellular data connection.
Tactical Radio Interoperability – System Functionality
The RIOS Tactical Radio Gateway was designed to combine the functionality of RIOS with the ease of use of an all-in-one interoperability kit.
SyTech reinvented the RIOS architecture in the form of the RIOS SuperRIB. The RIOS SuperRIB revolutionized the RIOS product line by placing a portion of the RIOS signal processing on each individual RIOS Physical Port. As a result, the RIOS TAC2 I/O Chassis is able to connect to the RIOS Server Computer with a single USB connection.

Radio Crossbanding
Tactical radio interoperability among dissimilar device families is accomplished by converting the interfaced signal into an open-source standard.
If directed, the signal is converted and re-transmit to the desired network via the connected device. Advanced command and control features allow the user to easily communicate quickly and effectively regardless of format, frequency or IP location.
The RIOS Tactical Radio Gateway weighs approximately 40 lbs., including battery and controller. The RIOS TAC2 easily fits into a standard overhead bin and is FAA-compliant for carry-on travel. Telescoping handle and wheels increase portability and lid organizer add to the system’s overall ease of use.

Power Management
On-board power management provides continuous power to the gateway controller, I/O module and router. The RIOS Tactical Radio Gateway includes a positive-lock AC/DC power supply as well as an integrated lithium-ion rechargeable battery pack and on-board harness. SyTech implements a specialized Lind to assure continuous controller charging from either the AC/DC power source or battery pack. The TAC2 will operate on full battery power for approximately 6-8 hours or more, depending on controller charge and other factors.
Network Capabilities
The RIOS TAC2 offers IP-network connectivity via the integrated Wifi/3G/4G-capable four-port router. Network options include satellite reachback or 3G/4G cellular with customer provide cellular USB device. Connect multiple RIOS nodes across various types of wireless networks via the RIOS Multi-Site Software Module. With this arrangement, remote RIOS nodes are able to transmit and receive voice, video and text within a single platform located anywhere with IP connectivity.